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Howdy Space Cowboys and Cowgirls! Saddle up on the Spatial Delivery Envelope Filter with Sample & Hold! The Spatial Delivery is a voltage-controlled envelope filter that'll help you explore the final frontier of funk while reinforcing your secret love affair with auto-wah. And it does Sample & Hold. Wild, right?
The Spatial Delivery has three modes - Upward Filter Sweep, Downward Filter Sweep, and Sample & Hold.
In Up and Down modes, you'll get super precise touch-sensitive tone sweeps with a variety of filter types. In both modes, the Spatial Delivery's controls for "Range," "Resonance," and "Filter" interact to deliver anything from subtle phaser-like modulation, to whistly resonant peaks. The "Range" control adjusts the sensitivity of the envelope, dialing in the overall touch-responsiveness to pick attack. "Resonance" adjusts the feedback of the filter. Counter-clockwise settings yield a rounded, subdued tone, while clockwise settings increase the body and ring of the filter voice, resulting in a sharp, peaky tone. The "Filter" control crossfades between Low-Pass, Band-Pass, and High-Pass filters, so only the good bits of your signal get freaky funkified.
In Sample & Hold mode, the filter is controlled by a random voltage, which causes a series of unpredictable bleeps and bloops, and honestly, is just good clean fun. In this mode, the DzRangedz controls the speed of the effect, and if you figure out what the rest of the controls do, let us know, will you? Add an octave before/after the Sample & Hold and you'll have created a deep-fried space droid computer freakout!
We recommend placing the Spatial Delivery first in your signal chain for optimal tracking, but experimenting with stacking and signal chain placement can take the potential of the Spatial Delivery even further.