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A NewWorld of Modulation Power
Welcome tothe Wampler Terraform! The Terraform reshapes the landscape of traditionalmodulation. This pedalboard-friendly stompbox has multiple routing options,true stereo, presets, MIDI control and 11 custom-designed modulation effectsimagined and created in-house by the team at Wampler! You can have everythingyou ever dreamed of without the frustration of surfing endless submenus on atiny screen.
ElevenOnboard Effects
As soon asyou turn the Terraform on you will experience 11custom designed and built effects with the width, depth, and elegant organicbeauty you usually only find in standalone analog pedals… from thehighest quality lush analog-sounding Chorus, the pulse of the vintage U Vibe, theswirl of the large Rotary cabinet, to the almost airplane swoop of the Flanger…You will find that all eleven effects are filled with the tonal quality that issynonymous with the Wampler name.
- Auto-Wah
- Envelope Filter
- Flanger
- Phaser
- U Vibe
- Rotary
- Auto Swell
- Tremolo
- Harmonic Tremolo
- Chorus
- Dimension
The“Easiest Tweakâ€ÂÂÂÂÂÂ
Everthought about obtaining all the control and power of today’s powerhouse effectswithin a simple and amazingly easy-to-use stompbox? That no longer has to be adream - the Terraform’s familiar, simple yet intuitive layout makes achievingthose sounds extremely easy. The great tones you are chasing are instantlythere and discovering what they’re capable of is fun and inspiring.
- Control vital effects parameters with 5 simple-to-use knobs
- Real-time control over any of those 5 parameters via an expression pedal
- 8 preset locations to store your favourite sounds
- Onboard tap tempo to perfectly sync the effect to the song
PowerfulRouting Capabilities
As ifhaving all these incredible tones at your fingertips wasn’t enough, Wampler hasalso included multiple signal routing options to make sure your modulations arehitting the right part of your signal chain. When set in pre/post mode, you canhave the auto-wah in front of your amp, or the chorus in the FX loop forexample. The U Vibe sits perfectly before your dirt pedals to add extra depth,while your tremolo can be post-dirt for amp-like throb. The great thing aboutthe Terraform is that you can place each effect in the chain right where itbelongs.
- True Stereo gives you massive sonic width across your playing platform
- Mono with intelligent routing allows your choice of effect to be placed ‘pre-gain’ and others ‘post gain’
- Control the Terraform as part of your larger rig with fully saveable presets and Tap Tempo information controlled via MIDI (up to 128 incoming presets, fully mappable down to the 8 preset locations)
BrianWampler’s famous quest for perfection, coupledwith his determination to make the industry’s most player-friendlyproducts with that golden Wampler tone, has reached new heights with theTerraform. Eleven of the best sounding effects blocks imaginable, easy to usewhether you like ‘plug and play’ or slotting it in your MIDI-compatible rig,the Terraform will take your tone onto a new and unrivalled plain.
- Studio quality A/D - D/A conversion
- 20Hz to 20kHz frequency response
- Includes Wampler’s limited 5-year warranty
- Pedal-board friendly small footprint
- 11 Studio-quality modulation effects designed and realized in-house at Wampler, inspired by the classics, both vintage and modern
- Easy to use interface makes designing your sounds instant, there are no submenus to navigate
- Any parameter controllable via an outboard expression pedal
- 8 preset locations to save your favourite patches
- Midi mappable from 128 incoming midi patch commands to those 8 presets
- True Stereo or mono with intelligent routing allows you to place any effect before or after the gain stages, whether that be either side of your gain pedals, or in front and in the loop of your favorite amp
- 48 kHz Sampling rate with 24-bit audio, 56-bit processing
- Power draw - 9v DC center pin negative, external supply only: 106.5mA at 9v, 107.7mA at 18v
- Dimensions: 4.5" x 3.75" x 2.25"
- Weight: 2 pounds
- Designed and Built in the USA