EarthQuaker Devices Hoof Fuzz Germanium/Silicon Hybrid Fuzz V2 - 855755007886
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  •                   Frank's Music Centre - 75 King St W Chatham Ontario 

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The Hoof is loosely based on the classic green Russian muff-style fuzz circuit, and features a hybrid Germanium / Silicon design, pairing maximum tone with maximum temperature stability not found in finicky and expensive vintage units. We hand-match our NOS Germanium transistors to exacting specifications for pedal-to-pedal consistency, taking the guesswork out of your fuzz purchase, and guaranteeing that your Hoof delivers the same smooth, natural, and harmonically rich sustain as all your friends Hoofs.

Completely Analog Circuitry
Handmade in Akron, Ohio
Durable rugged design